Prairie Love Letters

February 19- March 1, 2024


Friday, March 1, 5-7 PM

Featured Artists

Rey Hesterman
Maya Humphries
Jane McCreight

Bree Tabin
Julien Vincent

Exhibition Statement

Would you write a love letter to where you are from?

Prairie Love Letters is a collaborative exhibition with artists raised in the prairies of Western Canada, showing their affinity for the land, people, and sense of place the prairies uniquely has while being wedged between the busy coasts. The fondness and appreciation for the prairies is not always inherent, but developed while taking in the particular pace, and feeling of the prairies - some feel more connected to the people, the memories, the history, the potential rather than the actual. This exhibition shows the multiplicity and complexity of the love the artists have for the prairies, showing how each person gives, and takes different things away from the prairies than the other. Talking about the prairies as a living entity within our lives, playing a distinct role in all of our development, differently. We encourage you to think while moving through the gallery - 

Would you write a love letter to where you are from? What would you say? Would you talk about the people, the place, the things? When you wrote it, would it be written with longing, or resentful scorn? 

Do you think the place you are from would write you a love letter in return?

Supplemental Text




COPY: A Print Exhibition of Editions