Who can exhibit in the Fifth Parallel?

The Fifth Parallel Gallery is primarily focused on promoting undergraduate and graduate student works within the University of Regina, First Nations University, Luther College, or Campion College, regardless of faculty or department. At times, the Fifth has had works from outside the university.

Do I have to be a visual arts student to exhibit?

Nope! While our exhibitions most often contain works by visual arts students, we welcome anyone from any faculty to put in works. In the past, students and faculty members from the departments of anthropology, mathematics, education, psychology, and biology have curated or been featured in exhibitions.

I’m a student. How can I get my work in the gallery?

There are two main ways: Submitting an exhibition proposal, or submitting work for open calls.

Exhibition Proposals: Usually, about a month before the new semester, we ask students to submit exhibition proposals for the next semester. These exhibitions can be solo exhibitions or group exhibitions. In order to submit a proposal, you’ll need to take a look at the exhibition proposal guidelines, which can be found here.

Open Calls: About once a semester, we simply ask students to put in some artwork for a show that has a loose theme, or simply to show off works students have done recently. You can submit as many pieces as you’d like, but be sure to include photographs, titles, and mediums when submitting!

My work is performance-, video-, or audio-based. Can I still show it?

Probably! We do whatever we can to help make ideas possible. Send us an email if you have any questions about set-up and we’ll see what we can do.

How can I get involved in the gallery?

Volunteer! We are always looking for volunteers!

Whether you want to help set up exhibitions, watch the gallery for a couple hours, help with the website, take photos/videos for documentation, or even help with the website, just let us know!

To volunteer, just fill out this form here.