Determining Self

April 3 - April 20, 2023

Featured Artists

Victoria Beahm
Dela Ciocea
Alexander Ranger

Artists’ Statement

In Determining Self, the graduating class of 2023 explores topics related to personal and community identity through art, symbolism, materials, techniques, and individual process. 

Victoria Beahm’s uses vibrant colour, references to Metis beadwork, and regional foliage to represent her family’s history, and broader themes within the Metis community. She utilises the mediums of drawing, painting, and beading and makes references to this multidisciplinarity within each piece. Through research and process, she uncovers deeper histories and truths about her connection to her background and individual identity.

Dela Ciocea’s work is an exploration of the story and history imbued in traditional weavings, embroidery and motifs from the Balkan region of Europe. They prefer the mediums of drawing and linocut printmaking because they’re accessible and can be brought wherever they go. Dela uses symbology as a means to learn and express their understanding of their family’s history, and their belonging in the contemporary communities Dela serves their community through art and disability advocacy. Their practice centres around uncovering threads of underrepresented histories. 

Alexander Ranger has a reverence for the classical techniques of oil painting, oil clay sculpting, and graphite studies. Alexander’s work, in scale, ranges from personal to larger than life. It explores topics of gender, mental health, identity, and the intersection of these topics. Alexander has a deep affection for materiality, and as an aspiring art conservator he  plans to continue his studying of material processes. He demonstrates a careful attention to style and technique in his own work alongside those of the past. 

Though the subjects, references and techniques of the graduating class differ slightly, they’re connected by a common thread. They each represent an individual’s search for meaning and personal understanding from the margins of identity.

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